Useful & Exciting Github Packages

Useful & Exciting Github Packages

PHP Brew

Phpbrew builds and installs multiple version php(s) in your $HOME directory.

Have fun with machine learning

This is a hands-on guide to machine learning for programmers with no background in AI. Using a neural network doesn’t require a PhD, and you don’t need to be the person who makes the next breakthrough in AI in order to use what exists today. What we have now is already breathtaking, and highly usable. I believe that more of us need to play with this stuff like we would any other open source technology, instead of treating it like a research topic.

Laravel Sitemap Package

A not so simple sitemap generator for Laravel 5. A very simple way to generate sitemaps for your Laravel Project, auto update using an artisan command in your deployment and never worry about it again.

Bit Coin Predictor

This project aims to make high frequency bitcoin price predictions from market microstructure data. The dataset is a series of one second snapshots of open buy and sell orders on the Bitfinex exchange, combined with a record of executed transactions. Data collection began 08/20/2015. A number of engineered features are used to train a Gradient Boosting model, and a theoretical trading strategy is simulated on historical and live data.

Neo Cortex

Run trained deep neural networks in the browser or node.js. Currently supports serialization from trained Keras models (note: not up-to-date with the current Keras API).

Laravel Scaffold Interface

  • Generate your models,views,controllers and migrations just in a few clicks.
  • Views scaffolding support Bootstrap and Materialize css.
  • Generate (OneToMany,ManyToMany) relationships including views and controllers.
  • Websockets using pusher notifications.

LaravelLog Viewer

This package allows you to manage and keep track of each one of your logs files. NOTE: You can also use LogViewer as an API.

JWT Auth

jwt-auth provides a simple means of authentication within Laravel using JSON Web Tokens (spec)


Laravel Socialite provides an expressive, fluent interface to OAuth authentication with Facebook, Twitter, Google, LinkedIn, GitHub and Bitbucket. It handles almost all of the boilerplate social authentication code you are dreading writing.


A simple Laravel 5 service provider for including the Captcha for Laravel 5.

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