What's new in Laravel 5.4

What's new in Laravel 5.4

Laravel 5.4 release is at the end of January, so what’s new and why we should be excited.

Laravel Dusk

It provides a simple way for you to test your project offering browser testing. Dusk is currently only available on Chrome but I'm sure more will follow. With an output that is easy to read with expressive errors it also provides you with screenshots of any errors that occur for a simpler debugging.

Blade Components and Slots

Inspired by Vue.js, Blade components presents the ability to have reusable HTML elements. This will simplify your products into smaller reusable components.


Laravel 5.4 introduces a new markdown feature which adds such simplicity to creating emails. No longer are we creating huge HTML files to ensure emails work on all providers, this is all done using simple Laravel functions. A couple of examples are header, footers and buttons.

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